Université M'hamed Bougara Boumerdès 

The laboratory Bioinformatique, Microbiologie Appliquée et Biomolécules (BMAB) Organizes 

The 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics


International Conference Alerts (website URL):

Conference venue: The 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics -2ICB'24-, will take place at the Faculty of Technology of University of Boumerdès on November 13 and 14, 2024.

To help you organize your stay in Boumerdès, we have included (in the attached Excel file) a selection of hotels located near the Faculty of Technology at the University of Boumerdès, where the 2ICB'24 will take place. You will find the contact information, availability, and rates for each hotel. The provided links will direct you to Google Maps for precise locations and will also allow you to book or compare prices directly.

We look forward to meeting you at the 2ICB'24.

Important dates

Deadline for submission paper: September 25, 2024

Notification of acceptation: September 30, 2024.

Date of the event 2ICB'24 : November 13 & 14, 2024. 

Conference objectives

After the great success of the first edition organized in 2019, the Laboratory of Bioinfotmatique, Microbiologie Appliquée et Biomolécules-BMAB (Bioinformatics, Applied Microbiology and Biomolecules) organizes the 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics, which will be held on 13 & 14 November 2024 in M'hamed Bougara University, Boumerdès, Algeria. The ICB24 is a scientific meeting which covers all subjects of research and development on OMICS sciences and Bioinformatics.

The International Conference on Bioinformatics ICB24 will enhance the cornucopia of knowledge of all the participants in different fields as genomics, proteomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics, multiomics and structural bioinformatics, and will be focused on Bioinformatics use in OMICS sciences.

The ICB24 will be a mixture of eminent speakers, industry professionals and students. Discussing on various imperative topics will add an insight to ponder and confer over crux of today's scientific and technological perk up.

Our international Conference on Bioinformatics (ICB24) attracts national and international participants working in diverse OMICS sciences and Bioinformatics.

Conferences will be given by eminent speakers and the participants will contribute to the success of our seminar through posters. 

The main Topics are:

  • Genomics and Bioinformatics. 
  • Proteomics and Bioinformatics. 
  • Transcriptomics and Bioinformatics. 
  • Metabolomics and Bioinformatics. 
  • Multiomics and Bioinformatics. 
  • Structural Bioinformatics.  

Papers on all aspects coupling OMICS sciences and bioinformatics are welcome.


Honorary presidents

  • The Rector of the Université M'hamed Bougara Boumerdès (UMBB)
  • The Vice-Rector of Relations External Affairs, Cooperation, Animation and Communication and Scientific Events (UMBB)
  • The Dean of the Faculty of Sciences (UMBB)
  • The Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Sciences (UMBB)
  • The Director of Laboratory (BMAB- UMBB)

Honorary Invited

  • Pr. HALOUANE-SAHIR Fatma (The Directorate-General for Scientific Research and Technological Development -GRSDT).

Presidents of the days

  • Dr. SADAOUI-SMADHI Nesrine (UMBB) 

President of  the scientific committee

  • Pr. Kebbouche-Gana Salima

President of the Organizing committee

  • President : Pr. MohandKaci-Oulebsir Hakima
  • Vice-President: Dr. Eddaikra Atika 

Keynotes speakers  

International Scientific Committee 

Pr. ABEKHTI Abderlkader (U. Adrar, Algeria)

Pr. BENGUERBA Yacine (UFA Setif, Algeria)

Pr. BENSLIMANE Hamida (ENSA, Algeria)

Pr. BENZINA-TIHAR Farida (UMBB, Algeria)

Pr. BITAM Idir (CRAPast-Djelfa, Algeria)

Pr. BOUCHOUCHA Afaf (USTHB, Algeria)

Pr. BOUBENDIR Abdel Hafid (C.U. Mila, Algeria)

Pr. GAGAOUA Mohammed (INRAE-France)

Pr. GILIS Dimitri (ULB, Belgium)

Pr. HAMIDECHI Mohammed Abdelatif (U. Khenchla, Algeria)

Pr. KHEMILI TALBI Souad (UMBB, Algeria)

Pr. MERGHOUB Taha (Weill Cornell Medicine, NY, USA)

Pr. ROOMANE Marianne (ULB, Belgium)

Pr. TERRACHET Souhila (UMBB, Algeria)

Pr. ZITOUNI Abdelghani (ENS-Kouba, Algeria)

Dr. AID-BOUDRIES Malika (Harvard University, USA)

Dr. AIT IDIR Djouher (UMBB, Algeria)

Dr. BELAOUNI Hadj Ahmed (AFBI, Irland)

Dr. BELHOCINE Mohamed (AGU, Bahrain)

Dr. BELLAG Oualid abdelkader (IIUM, Malysia)

Dr. BEN BELGACEM Farah Fadwa (IIUM, Malysia)

Dr. BOUDJEMAA Khaled (UMBB, Algeria)

Dr. BOUZNADA Khaoula (ENS-Kouba, Algeria)

Dr. DAAS Mohamed (INRAA, Algeria)

Dr. DJEBRA Nadia (UMBB, Algeria)


Dr. EDDAIKRA Atika (U. Blida, Algeria)

Dr. EDDAIKRA Naouel (IPA, Algeria)

Dr. HIRECHE Ahmed (U. Adrar, Algeria)

Dr. LENCHI-IZOUINE Nesrine (UABB. Algeria)

Dr. LOUCIF SEIAD Linda (UMBB, Algeria)

Dr. MAAMERI Sara (UMBB, Algeria)

Dr. MBAYE Mame (UCAD, Senegal)

Dr. NAJJARI Afef (U. El Manar, Tunisia)

Dr. NAIT MOHAMED Faez Amokrane (MIT & Harvard, USA)


Dr. OUNISSI Mourad (U. Djelfa, Algeria)

Dr. SADAOUI-SMADHI Nesrine (UMBB, Algeria)


Phone: +213 549 17 34 53  / +213 772 31 53 74


"Everything is Theoretically Impossible until it is done"

Robert A. Heinlein

Conception and design of the site: Dr Eddaikra Atika

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